Working on both my personal projects and on larger film and television shoots has allowed me to garner a number of skills. I feel that these skills make me a quality sound designer and someone to be considered for your roles!
Here's a few of the skills I have to offer:
- Advanced Audio Production
- Adept Camera Operation Skills
- Proficient in Adobe Audition, Premiere 
- Proficient in Adobe Express, Canva 
- Proficient in Video Editing Basics 
- Proficient People Leader
My Writing:
Something to note about this script is that it began as a very loose concept. The Stories of The Stars universe has always sort of existed in my mind since I was young, but I had never taken the time to nail down the storytelling foundations regarding the world building. Writing for the podcast in script format really allowed me to just put words on the page and then flesh them out in my notes. Weird acronyms and funny planet names soon became wholly foundational pieces of the universe I was building. I have since expanded on the fledgling universe in my various notes and have even begun writing short stories in non-script format set in-universe.
SoTS really opened a door for me in creating worlds. My new favorite part of any project is defining the world it is set in and how that effects the way we tell stories. 
Someday soon, I hope to add some more of my new writing to the site and expand on a universe I have really fallen in love with!
Here are a few more helpful links:
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